
Showing posts from 2017

Mkaa Mbadala

Take a look at @BMachumu17's Tweet:

Malezi ya mtoto

Malezi ya mtoto Mtoto anajifunza kwa mfano na siyo kwa maneno! Mtoto anajifunza kwa kutazama kile kinachomzunguka pake alipo inawezekana ni kwa wazazi wake au jamii inayomzunguka,mtoto hana maneno ila yeye ana vitendo Kwa hiyo Mzazi/ mlezi na jamii inatakiwa iwe makini kulingana kile inachokifanya mbele ya mtoto!!!!




It is always possible to be an island of calm in a sea of confusion, if you take control at the very least of your own area of responsibility. Baraka Damian +255 712 360145 Blog:


It is always possible to be an island of calm in a sea of confusion, if you take control at the very least of your own area of responsibility. Baraka Damian +255 712 360145 Blog:

T. I. M. E.

We each have a personal perspective of time but most of us are not aware that we have subconscious feeling about time. Most people have a poorly defined sense of how they spend their time. Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145


An American man walked into restaurant in London. As soon as entered, he noticed an African man (black) sitting in one corner. He walked over to the counter, removed his wallet and shouted "waiter i'm buying food for everyone in this restaurant, except that black man over there. The waiter collected the money and began serving free food to everyone in the restaurant except the black man. Instead of become upset the black man simply looked up at the American and shouted "thank you". This infuriated the american. So once again the american repeated again to buy bottle of wine to everyone except the black man. The black man smiled and shouted " thank you " to the american man. That made the american man furious. So he leaned over the counter and asked the waiter, what is wrong with that black man? I have bought food and wine to everyone in this restaurant except him, and instead of becoming angry, he just sits there smiles at me and shout "thank you


Worry does no good and can impact our lives in negative ways. I am sure you have noticed how absolutely powerless you feel when you worry or feel anxious and troubled,because worry is indeed completely useless. It is a waste of time and energy because it never changes our circumstances. It can make us sick and grouchy. Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145


"" Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"" Baraka Damian. +255 712 360 145


MTAZAMO CHANYA vs MTAZAMO HASI. Kiwanda kikubwa cha uzalishaji wa viatu kiliwatuwa watu wawili kufanya utafiti wa soko la viatu kwenye sehemu moja. Majibu yao ya utafiti yalikuwa kama hivi: Mtu wa kwanza: Huku hakuna soko la viatu maana hakuna mtu anayevaa viatu. Mtu wa pili: Huku kuna soko kubwa la viatu maana hakuna mtu hata mmoja aliyevaa viatu. Mtazamo hasi unaficha fursa iliyopo kwenye mazingira yako. Mtazamo chanya unakuonesha fursa kubwa iliyopo kwenye mazingira yako. Fundisha akili yako kuwa na mtazamo chanya. Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145


MTAZAMO CHANYA vs MTAZAMO HASI. Kiwanda kikubwa cha uzalishaji wa viatu kiliwatuwa watu wawili kufanya utafiti wa soko la viatu kwenye sehemu moja. Majibu yao ya utafiti yalikuwa kama hivi: Mtu wa kwanza: Huku hakuna soko la viatu maana hakuna mtu anayevaa viatu. Mtu wa pili: Huku kuna soko kubwa la viatu maana hakuna mtu hata mmoja aliyevaa viatu. Mtazamo hasi unaficha fursa iliyopo kwenye mazingira yako. Mtazamo chanya unakuonesha fursa kubwa iliyopo kwenye mazingira yako. Fundisha akili yako kuwa na mtazamo chanya. Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145

M. W

"if anything can go right, it will;nothing is as difficult as it appears;everything is more rewarding than it appears;if anything good can happen to anybody, it will happen to me. " Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145


MTAZAMO CHANYA 1. Habari njema ya wana na binti wa Mungu walioahidiwa nchi ya ahadi iliyoitwa Kanaani(Canaan). Mungu akusema utakapoiendea hiyo nchi hatakuna na vikwazo(changamoto). Mungu alichosema hiyo ni nchi yenu ya ahadi, inatakiwa kuishi hapo. Mungu akifanya agano na watu wake anamaanisha hivyo. Ukiendelea kuisoma habari hii utangundua kuna watu 12 walipewa kazi ya kuchunguza nchi ile ili warudishe taarifa kama nchi ile kweli ndio nchi ya ahadi. Katika ya watu 12,watu wawili tu ndo waliyorudisha majibu mazuri kuwa ndio yenyewe twende sasa tukamiliki. Mtazamo hasi huleta anguko kubwa katika maisha yetu. Mtazamo chanya huleta ushindi mkubwa katika maisha yetu hata kama kuna changamoto kubwa kiasi gani utashinda maana umekwisha amini. Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145

Morning written

"Some People's idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone says anything back,that is an outrage". - Sir Winston Churchill

Morning Written

" You do not get paid by the hour,you get paid for the value you bring to the hour" Baraka Damian +255 712 360 145 http://www.

Kwa nini tunafanya kazi

Tarehe 21/01/2017 Mambo niliyojifunza kutoka kitabu cha "Why we work kilichoandikwa na Barry Schwartz Kila mtu ana sababu kwa nini anafanya kazi 1. Tunafanya kazi ili tuwe na furaha katika maisha yetu. Mtu ambaye anafanya kazi ana furaha. 2. Kazi ni kipimo cha ushirikiano. Ili uonekane kuwa una ushirikiano na watu au jamii yako lazima ufanye kazi. 3. Mabadiliko katika sehemu za kazi. Mabadiliko katika sehemu za kazi hatuyapati kwa siku moja yanahitaji muda lakini tunatakiwa tuendelee kufanya kazi tusisumbilie yawe vizuri. 4. Uzoefu. Katika maisha yetu kufanya kazi umekuwa ni uzoefu wa muda mrefu tunafanya kazi kwa ajili ya kupata pesa wakati wengine wanafaidika na kazi tunazofanya.. 5. Kufungamana na kazi unayoifanya. Ili kuwe na matokeo chanya lazima ufungamane na kazi unayoifanya. 6. Dhamira(meaningful) kwenye kazi. Kuwa dhamira au kusudi nzuri katika kazi unayoifanya hata kwenye magumu utasimama kutekeleza kazi yako. 7. Kuchukua majukumu. Kwa wale tunapata nafasi y







S. O. M. E

"Some men can make funny faces,others can make fools of themselves,others can make money."_Bernard Baruch.


OVERCOME THEM We're all experienced some sort of loss in our lives, and as long as we're still alive. We'll continue to experience loss in different situation into the future. Do we shut down and retract permanently? Do we rise to the occasion,spend the appropriate time grieving and then begin to move forward after learning the lesson within? The true affect or impact these losses have in our lives lies in the response that we give to each loss. Learning isn't easy during down times,it takes discipline to do the right thing when something goes wrong. Life will always be fraught with loss but if we're properly armed,we 'll overcome them. By: BDamian Public and motivational speaker +255712360145

Seed of achievement

SEED OF ACHIEVEMENT Seed of achievement is integrity. Integrity means be honesty and truth. By: BDamian +255712360145.