9 ways of to control your anger by Baraka DM

9 ways to  control your anger.
Anger is a completely normal, usually human emotion. But when  it  gets out if control and turns destructive it can lead to problems-problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life.
Here some ways to use to control anger
1.When you are anger say nothing. Don't speak anything when you are anger because you will definitely aggravate the situation and quite likely hurt the feeling of other. When someone speaking remain silent  or respond in kind way.
2. Be indifferent to those who seek to make you angry. Some people may unfortunately take a malicious pleasure  in trying to make you mad. However, if you can feel indifferent to them and their words. If you feel  it is beyond  our dignity to even to acknowledge them, then their words and actions will have no effects.
3. Use a reason to stop anger. When you feel say to yourself that"this anger will not help me in any way. This anger will make the situation worse". Your inner voice is helping you to distance our self from the emotion of anger.
4. Value peace more than anger. Be peace maker in your life. This help you to allow anger to remain in your system.
5. Always try to understand those who are cross. Don't worry about feeling the need to defend yourself from their criticisms. If you can remain detached and calm they may begin to feel guilty  about venting their anger on you.
6. Focus on something completely different. Suppose someone has done something to make you angry.  Think about something to make you happy. The best antidote to negativity is to focus on the positive.
7. Breathe deeply. This way will help you to remove anger.
8. Meditation. Practice meditation regularly to bring your inner peace to the fore.
9. Smile. This it is amazing way. When you smile you defuse many negative situations.  To smile is offer goodwill to others. Smiling costs nothing but can effectively  defuse tense situations.

Baraka  DM
Watsupp : +255 712360145


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